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Dr. Poonam Madan, Dr. Gargi Sharma, Ms. Himani Sharma

First Published December 22,2018

  1. Dr. Poonam Madan
  2. Dr. Gargi Sharma
  3. Ms. Himani Sharma
  • Associate Professor, Department of Management, IIS deemed to be University, Jaipur
  • Sr. Assistant Professor, International School of Informatics & Management, Jaipur
  • Research Scholar, IIS deemed to be University, Jaipur
Corporate Social Responsibility means the conscientiousness of companies being a corporate
citizen towards society and all its stakeholders. CSR has no single meaning or definition; it holds
different meaning in different context. This research paper is an attempt to understand the
consumers' perspective on CSR, the study principally focuses on the fundamentals of CSR. The
main reason to carry out the study was to find out the general opinion and awareness level of the
consumers about CSR and find out how individual perception affects their purchasing decisions or
buying behavior. The key finding of the report deals with the level of awareness among people, their
intention, their buying behavior and loyalty towards socially responsible firms and the results
indicated that CSR practices of the companies have an effect on Consumer Buying Behavior.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR, Consumer behavior,, Awareness, Buying Behavior

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