Journal Indexing & Metrics


How do you become an Editor?

If you have aspirations to become an editor, one of the ways is through a direct invitation from a publisher. This may happen as a result of your expertise in a specific field of science or discipline, in particular when Publishers wish to publish a new/ special issue.

What are the criteria for an Editor position?

These would be:

  • Expertise and experience in the specialist field related to the journal
  • Publication record of a number of articles and /or books ( usually in / related to the specialist field )
  • Being a reviewer for an international peer reviewed journal
  • PhD qualification or a senior research position with equivalent experience in research and scholarship
  • Enthusiasm to undertake the Editor role , but ensuring recognition of all aspects of the reality of the role and the work involved

What is the main role and responsibility of a journal Editor?

The key role of a journal editor is to encourage new and established authors to submit articles and set up a reliable panel of expert reviewers and promoting the journal as the best journal to publish in. Editors are also responsible for offering feedback to reviewers when required and ensure that any feedback to authors is constructive.

What is the role of an Editorial Board?

The role of the Editorial Board is:

  • To offer expertise in their specialist area
  • To review submitted manuscripts
  • To advise on journal policy and scope
  • To work with the Editor to ensure ongoing development of the journal
  • To identify topics for Special Issues of the journal or recommend a Conference which would promote the journal , which they might also help to organize and/or guest edit

How do I promote journal?

As a variety of different online platforms are increasingly being used as places to discover and engage with research, we highly recommend exploring our resources. These include resources on social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook.