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Ms. Sushma Saini, Prof. Sanket Vij

First Published December 18,2018

  1. Ms. Sushma Saini
  2. Prof. Sanket Vij
  • PhD. Student, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana
  • Dean - Faculty of Commerce & Management; Chairperson - Department of Management Studies, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana
Mutual funds as an investment vehicle have gained immense popularity in the Indian Financial
Sector, which is clearly reflected in the robust growth levels of assets under management. Since the
1990's when the mutual fund space opened up to the private sector, the industry has traversed a long
path, adapting itself continuously, to the changes that have come along. Growth in Assets Under
Management (AUM) experienced has been unprecedented, with country's mutual fund (MF) assets
logging the highest growth in last seven years to reach a total corpus of around Rs.17 trillion in 2016.
Although investor confidence was significantly eroded after the Financial downfall in the period from
2009 to 2011, and AUMs suffered a dent, the sale of mutual funds has revived over the last few years,
which implies regained confidence of investors, striving to look at alternate investment opportunities
and any attendant higher returns. In today's volatile market environment, mutual funds are looked
upon as a transparent and low cost investment vehicle, which attracts a fair share of investor
attention. Mutual funds have provided a better alternative to obtain benefits of expertise-based equity
investments to all types of investors.The present study attempts to evaluate the performance of the Open-ended Equity Mutual Fund
Schemes against the performance of Market portfolio.

Risk Return, Mutual Fund Schemes, Equity Schemes, Portfolio Return.

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