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Faculty Perception towards Training and Development in Public and Private Universities

Dr. Sheetal Mundra, Ms. Ravina Singh

First Published December 26,2016

  1. Dr. Sheetal Mundra
  2. Ms. Ravina Singh
  • Assistant Professor JK Lakshmipat University Jaipur
  • Student JK Lakshmipat University Jaipur
In today’s competitive world, overall grooming of a Faculty member is really important irrespective in which type of University a Faculty teaches. The present study focuses preferences to the factors forming perceptions of faculties towards training and development in public and private Universities in Jaipur district, Rajasthan. Earlier, it is generally assumed that there is no difference in the preferences between public and private Universities. But this study tries to find out a different perspective, that is, which factor is given more priority in Public sector and which is least. The responses of 160 faculties in Private and Public Universities have been collected on the basis of self-designed questionnaire. Factor Analysis using principal component method with varimax rotation is used to identify the factors forming faculty perception towards Training and Development in both Universities. In this total eight factors are identified in both types of the Universities. In Public Universities “Work Efficiency” has been ranked as number one whereas in Private Universities it is “Career Advancement”. In both the universities least priority was given to “Versatile Skills”. Various actions are suggested to change their perception for betterment for education system and Faculty Development

Training, Development, Public University, , Private Universities

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