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An Integrative Review of Employment Branding in Higher Education

Dr. Durgesh Batra

First Published December 24,2016

  1. Dr. Durgesh Batra
  • Associate Professor Amity Business School Amity University Jaipur
The paper has highlighted the significance of branding. It has included the impact of branding on varied products, services and specifically on higher education. The attempt has been made to highlight the relevance of different branding models to enhance the brand value of the organization. The study has considered the rationale behind Employment Branding in current context and how effective it is to use such techniques to retain talent in the organization. The paper has also emphasized the other related advantages of using Employment Branding such as recruitment, selection, feedback, openness of culture, expanding business, and enhanced reputation. If adopted properly Employment Branding can also be source of sowing seeds of change management as it develops and promotes fairness and transparency but nevertheless the implications are challenging as well which can be met if planned meticulously.

Employment-Branding, Life Cycle, Educational Services, Brand Value

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