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Using Hybrid Approach Secure Data Transmission over Medium

Ajeet Kumar Vishwakarma, Ruchir Saxena

First Published December 23,2016

  1. Ajeet Kumar Vishwakarma
  2. Ruchir Saxena
  • Assistant Professor Institute of Management & Computer Science NIMS University, Jaipur
  • Head of Department Institute of Management & Computer Science NIMS University Jaipur
In this era’s of the privacy and security concerns prevailing in the environment, users are more likely to require privacy; that is traceable. There should be an authentication mechanism for the client using services needed in various real-world applications. The security of computer is related to the whole world and individual. Secure data transmission is the technique of achieving security used by decoding or encoding message to make them non-readable to encrypted so that secure data or information transmits over the internet work. In this paper, we are introducing an approach based on multiple public keys and ‘n’ prime number. Hybrid algorithm is mostly used in implementation of public key and symmetric key cryptography. This paper uses public key cryptography with two different keys and DES. In public key Cryptography, one key is used in encryption data and other key used for decryption of keys. Second key does not decrypt the data to find out readable form. Even if it is useful algorithm it is vulnerable to other person.In this research paper we are trying to develop new approach by using prime number and multiple public keys and triple DES.

Asymmetric key cryptography, ‘n’ prime number, Cryptography,, RSA algorithm, Triple DES.

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