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An Understanding into the Pertinent Aspects of Human Resource Analytics

Prof. Vinitaa Agrawal

First Published December 21,2016

  1. Prof. Vinitaa Agrawal
  • Amity University Jaipur
Todays’ HR is a lot different from the past in terms of the challenges it faces to take a globally competitive edge in terms of hiring, developing and retaining the most scare resource of the world, i.e., talented people. Therefore, the HR managers today are bound to think in line with the economists. HR leaders today are faced with various challenges which probably did not exist before and the main focus was only on managing “personnel”, in contrast they are now focused on business results in terms of attuning the investment they are able to make to enable their workforces more responsive to the current and future needs of their organizations.
HR is a direct contributor for business results in terms of its contribution to the overall productivity, growth, success and sustainability and is responding to some of the core business issues like, the skill and competency required to have a successful M&A, knowledge management, global competitive standards, etc. For responding to the above questions it is imperative for HR leaders to respond to new data and new thinking.
It is the human Resource which is the base behind all the tangible results though it itself is intangible. Human resource drives the value and the use of Analytics will drive better results. Big Data and Predictive analytics are coming to the people side of the Business. Therefore, HR is becoming the most important source for organizational competence and to leverage it, analytics is required.
The current paper explores the major issues and challenges faced by HR leaders for maximizing the returns through Human Resource Analytics.

Human Resource Analytics, Data, Workforce

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