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A Study of Effectiveness of Performance Management System (PMS) at Maruti Suzuki India Limited

Dr. Aditi R. Khandelwal

First Published August 20,2016

  1. Dr. Aditi R. Khandelwal
  • Assistant Professor The IIS University Jaipur
The paper is an endeavour to understand the Performance Management system (PMS) at Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL). The study is conducted with the objective of checking the effectiveness of PMS in MSIL and simultaneously ascertaining the level of satisfaction in MSIL. The research is conducted at five regional offices to collect the information related to current practices of PMS. The research methodology included primary data collection from the employees of MSIL to discover the awareness level of Performance Management System and ascertaining the effectiveness of the existing system. It was observed that Department Managers should be encouraged to assign importance to PMS for promoting overall culture of transparency and fairness and also meeting the needs of the employees.

Performance Management, Effectiveness, Key Result Area, , Career Development

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