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A Study on Corporate Governance Practices of ICICI Bank

Ms. Sandhya Surapalli, Dr. Neha Parashar

First Published June 24,2017

  1. Ms. Sandhya Surapalli
  2. Dr. Neha Parashar
  • Assistant Professor, Aurora
  • Faculty, IBS Business School, Pune (Maharastra)
Corporate Governance is a complex topic because there is no clear basis as to what constitutes perfect Corporate Governance. Undoubtedly, the success of a company largely depends on sound governance mechanisms. This paper attempts to study the relationship of corporate governance practices and financial success of a firm. The aim of the paper is to know whether there is any relationship of Corporate Governance Practices to the profitability and value of firm. The governance needs of banks are different from the other industries. The reason for such a difference is the assets and liabilities composition of a bank is the financially form. ICICI Bank is considered to be the most successful private sector bank in India in terms of technology and innovations. A Corporate Governance Index for bank is prepared and it is used as a measure to know the extent of Governance Practices of ICICI Bank. And the total score of the index is used to find the correlation of the Governances practices of ICICI bank and its financial performance interms of financial
indicators viz; ROA, NIM, PBV and Tobin's a.A stronger correlation is found to be existing
between Corporate Governance Index and ROA and NIM and a weak correlation of Corporate Governance index is observed with PBV and Tobin's a.

This is paper is a different attempt in two ways. Firstly; there has rarely been a corporate governance index on banks and secondly; a private bank in India does not have Corporate Governance rating (CGR) from any of the rating agencies, so the index can be taken as a substitute for CGR by the users.

Corporate Governance practices, Corporate Governance Index, Corporate Governance Rating, private bank, financial performance

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