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Digital Marketing: Social Media as a Tool of Marketing

Dr. Poonam Madan, Ms. Neha Sukheeja

First Published June 22,2017

  1. Dr. Poonam Madan
  2. Ms. Neha Sukheeja
  • Associate Professor, Dept. of Management Studies, The liS University Jaipur
  • Research Scholar, Dept. of Commerce, The liS University, Jaipur
Gone are the days of marketing through old channels, Going Digital is the new medium of marketing today. The brands can now sell directly to the consumers, bloggers and also friends without relying on the media and other promotional tools. Marketers are faced with new challenges and opportunities within this digital age. Digital marketing is the utilization of electronic media by the marketers to promote the products or services into the market. The main objective of digital marketing is attracting customers and allowing them to interact with the brand through digital media.

The digital media has given a platform to the people to freely express their views and opinions for a particular product, brand or service. The social media is the most important aspect of the Digital marketing. Communicating to hundreds or thousands of people by one person at a time has been possible only through Social media. The social media comprises of a wide range of online, word of mouth forums such as blogs, chat rooms etc. Face book, Twitter, Podcasts are various platforms of the social media in today's world. It is easily accessible by the end consumers of the different age groups. Digital marketing can be in the form of Pay per click, Advertising, Content marketing, Affiliate marketing, Viral marketing etc.

This conference paper discusses about the concepts of social media and digital marketing. Efforts have been made to clarify the role of social media as a new tool of marketing. The study focuses on the importance of digital marketing for both marketers and consumers. This paper is an attempt to analyse the pros and cons of using the social media for digital marketing. It also presents an overview on social media marketing in India.

Social Media, Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Viral Marketing, Blogs

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