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Business Ethics and CSR in University Curricula in Nepal: Exploring Current Practices in Business School Education

Mr. Arhan Sthapit

First Published June 18,2017

  1. Mr. Arhan Sthapit
  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
The paper aims at examining the current practices concerning the education of business ethics (BE) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the university curricula in Nepal. Since the issue of business ethics and CSR has the direct bearing on business and management domain, the paper has explored the syllabi of management and business schools. The study-based on a descriptive approach-sought to draw out a perspective onthe content and pedagogy of the BE and CSR module in Nepalivarsities. Encompassing the existing Nepali universities and/or the business schools under their fold, the study discovered that Tribhuvan University, the only central and national university of Nepal, has offered more the BE and CSR contents either as a separate, independent module or as an integral part of other related subjects in a larger number of bachelors and masters programmes. Yet, pedagogical arrangements have to be specified and ameliorated in most of the universHies in Nepal. Since BE andCSR are relatively very young modules ingraduate and post graduate levels, the study findings should prove instrumental for Nepali universities to formulation of curricular plans and strategies vis-a-vis foreign business schools in the days to come.

Business ethics, corporate social responsibility, curricula

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