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Ms. Shipra Goyal, Dr. Shuchi Singhal

First Published December 22,2017

  1. Ms. Shipra Goyal
  2. Dr. Shuchi Singhal
  • Research Scholar, The IIS University, Jaipur
  • Associate Professor, International School of Informatics & Management, Jaipur
The workplace within the organisation plays a vital role in developing the interpersonal relations,
building satisfaction and thereby having an impact on productivity. A satisfied employee performs
more efficiently and acts as a driving force for others. The Indian financial sector is very diverse with
huge number of institutions providing multifaceted services. Among them are the Big 4's namely
Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG and Ernst & Young. The work environment in these
companies is said to be very different from other organisations as well as there is a difference in work
environment of these four companies.
Powerful outcomes and profitability may be expected if employees are highly satisfied. The aim of the
present study is to analyse the impact of work environment on employee satisfaction in Deloitte.
Stratified random sampling method was used in present study. This study is conducted in major 5
cities in India and sample size was 125 employees working in Deloitte.
Varied statistical techniques were applied to test the reliability of the instrument used and to measure
the relationship between work environment and employee satisfaction. Karl Pearson's Correlation
and Regression analysis along with Coefficient of Determination were used to test the relationship
and interpret the results.
The study offers useful managerial implications by which the company can understand the relevance
of work environment as a component of employee satisfaction.

Work Environment, Employee Satisfaction, Human Resource Management, Deloitte, Big 4.

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