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Ms. Nisha Jain, Dr. Preeti Tiwari

First Published December 26,2021

  1. Ms. Nisha Jain
  2. Dr. Preeti Tiwari
  • Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, RTU, Kota
  • Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, ISIM, Jaipur
According to the Digital Report of July, 2021, Billions of users around the world uses Mobile Phones,
Internet, social media every second. This huge range of heterogeneous digital data is called Big
Data, and is measured in terms of terabytes or petabytes. It is difficult to the conventional relational
databases to handle these heterogeneous data for data analytics, but is still in use significantly in the
growth of Big Data. To handle SQL-based structured queries, Hadoop is one of the prominent and
well-suited solution that allows Big Data to be stored and processed. Hive support SQL queries on
Hadoop. Hive warehouse, is the oldest SQL-engine on the top of the Hadoop framework and to store
the processed data, it uses HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System). On the Hadoop, MapReduce is
an execution engine that executes SQL-based queries. In the Query Optimization, join ordering
always plays a significant role because when the order of tables in joining operation is changed,
execution time of the query is reduced to a greater extent. The main problem of the Hive is that it does
not enhance the order of the join for an SQL-query and also does not give assurance for an optimal
execution plan. Its time complexity is measured in exponential (Shan, Y., & Chen, Y., 2015).The main
focus of this paper is to discover the finest join ordering solution for a Hive query optimization problem
through appropriate search algorithms and to improve SQL-based Hive queries performance with
MapReduce–based system.

Big Data, Hadoop, Hive, HDFS, MapReduce, Query Optimization Technique

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