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Dr. Poornima Mathur

First Published December 21,2021

  1. Dr. Poornima Mathur
  • Assistant Professor, International School of Informatics & Management, Jaipur
Human Resource works as a strategic partner in an organization. An organisation cannot succeed
without attracting and retaining the right people, on the right job, with right skills and training. This
paper is intended to find out the significant relationship between Selective Hiring and Competitive
Advantage in hospitality industry. The research is based on primary data collected from 500
employees working in five-star hotels of National Capital Region (NCR) & selected cities of
Rajasthan. Descriptive research design was adopted in the research. Statistical techniques like
Pearson correlation, Multiple Regression and f-test were employed to measure the significance and
strength of the relationship between Selective Hiring and Competitive Advantage. Further, finding
showed that there is a significant relationship between Selective Hiring and Competitive Advantage.

Selective Hiring, Competitive Advantage, Human Resource Management

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