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Ms. Manju Lata Joshi, Ms. Suhani Agarwal

First Published December 15,2021

  1. Ms. Manju Lata Joshi
  2. Ms. Suhani Agarwal
  • Department of CS & IT, International School of Informatics & Management, Jaipur
  • Department of CS & IT, IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur
Recognition of facial expression has been an important and exciting area of research in the past
decade. It is still challenging due to high intraclass variations like facial expression, body posture,
speech recognition, etc. There is an immense stipulation for facial expression acknowledgement in
different areas like medical services, educational institutes, business, entertainment, e-commerce,
health, and security. Face expressions play an essential role in identifying a person's emotions. To
detect or identify someone's emotions, traditional approaches such as Local Binary Pattern (LBP),
Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) rely on
handcrafted features, followed by a trained classifier on a database of photos or videos. The majority
of the research studies perform reasonably well on datasets of images collected under controlled
conditions but cannot perform well on more complex datasets with more image variation and partial
faces. In recent years several research studies have suggested an end to end system for Facial
Emotion Recognition (FER) using deep learning models. These studies have exhibited outstanding
performance and show that deep learning-based FER performs better than a traditional approach
based FER. This study provides an in-depth analysis of the existing research for facial emotion
recognition through deep learning. Firstly, existing studies based on traditional approaches are
analyzed, and then deep learning-based approaches used for FER are discussed.

Emotion Recognition, Facial Expression, Facial Expression Recognition, Deep Learning

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