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Dr. Anuva Choudhury

First Published April 13,2024

  1. Dr. Anuva Choudhury
  • Assistant Professor, Department of IR & PM, Berhampur University, Bhanja Bihar, Odisha
Digital Transformation (DX) has necessitated organizations demand a novel set of skills from the workforce in order to survive, adapt and compete in the rapidly volatile and unpredictable environment. Consequently, numerous studies have explored the adoption of digital technologies and strategies to cope with the evolving challenges. However, most research on this theme tends to focus separately on agility, human resources (HR) practices, and digital transformation. This current study seeks to unravel the interrelationships among strategic agility, agile attributes, HR practices, and workforce agility within the DX ecosystem. As a contribution, this paper not only sheds light on the critical factors facilitating digital transformation within organizations but also delves into the literature to identify the agile attributes essential for the workforce. The study provides insights to the managers to develop attributes such as highly skilled, knowledgeable, proactive, flexible, resilient, adaptable, eager for learning and development, openness to new technology, capacity to develop innovative ideas, being comfortable with change etc. within the workforce. This can be achieved by implementing human resources practices such as training and knowledge development, job enrichment, job enlargement, creating self-managed teams, encouraging multi-tasking and collaboration among employees that are found to be crucial in creating an agile workforce. Such a strategic approach is pivotal for nurturing an agile workforce, that is fundamental to the digital transformation process. Future studies may leverage insights from the current study to embrace and develop more influential and impactful strategies in organisations for the adoption of digital technology by their employees.

Agility, Autonomy, Digital Transformation, Empowerment, Information System (IS), Workforce Agility

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