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Mr. Shashikant Sharma, Dr. Sanjeev Solanki, Dr. Aliyu Yahya

First Published April 13,2024

  1. Mr. Shashikant Sharma
  2. Dr. Sanjeev Solanki
  3. Dr. Aliyu Yahya
  • Assistant Professor, Poddar Management, Technical Campus, Jaipur
  • Professor, Tula
  • Assistant Professor, Adamwa State Polytechnic, Adamwa, Nigeria
Quantum computing, based on the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, has become a breakthrough that has the potential to revolutionize computing. At the forefront of this quantum revolution are quantum algorithms that use the origin of qubits to solve computational problems much faster than classical algorithms. This article provides a review of quantum algorithms to introduce their principles, examine famous examples such as the Grover and Shor algorithms, and delve into their applications, including quantum machine learning.
Exploring the fundamentals of quantum computing begins with an overview that highlights the unique features of quantum computing compared to classical computing. We then examine several different algorithmic paradigms to highlight the unique advantages that quantum parallelism and interference bring to computing. The best knowledge of quantum algorithms focuses on Grover's blind search, Shor's efficient factorization algorithm, and the quantum phase approach for solving quantum chemistry and eigenvalue problems.
As well as celebrating the achievements of quantum algorithms, this research also looks at the challenges and limitations that hinder their widespread use. Topics such as decoherence, error correction, and finding errors in quantum computing are discussed in the context of overcoming obstacles to the use of practical quantum algorithms. In addition, the latest developments are clarified by showing the successes of the experiments and their implications for the future.
As we stand at the forefront of a new era in computing, this article not only provides a snapshot of the current state of quantum algorithms but also speculates on future directions. The potential applications of quantum algorithms in many fields and the ongoing quest to overcome current limitations offer exciting opportunities for further research. This research aims to contribute to the ongoing debate about quantum algorithms, gaining a deeper understanding of their impact on the future of computing.

Quantum Computing, Qubit, Entanglement, Shor, QML, QSVM, QNN, QPCA

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