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Mr. Mohammad Hussain Mir, Dr. Mushtaq A. Lone, Dr. Riyaz A Qureshi

First Published June 22,2019

  1. Mr. Mohammad Hussain Mir
  2. Dr. Mushtaq A. Lone
  3. Dr. Riyaz A Qureshi
  • Research Scholar, School of Tourism Studies and Hospitality Services Management, IGNOU, New Delhi.
  • Asst. Professor, Department of Management Studies, Central University of Kashmir, Srinagar, J&K.
  • Asst. Professor, Department of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, Srinagar J&K.
Tourists' satisfaction relies on a host of antecedents. Since tourism is considered as an integrated
system interconnected and interdependent on services like accommodation, transportation,
catering, travel intermediaries retailing etc, therefore, tourists overall satisfaction is affected by each
component. Researchers have devoted considerable efforts to understand what comprises tourist
satisfaction. Nonetheless far from unanimity different authors have reported different explanations.
Yet it has been widely reported that a satisfied tourist can turn out to be an ambassador who conveys
his/her favourable experience to others and also revisits the destination. The present study mainly
focuses on the interplay between satisfaction and revisit intentions. To address the objectives of the
study we surveyed a sample of 545 domestic tourists who visited world-famous Kashmir. Among the
multitude of antecedents the tourists have hailed the friendliness and helpfulness of Kashmiri people.
This underscores the historical evidence about the unbeatable hospitality of people of the Kashmir.
The tourists have expressed significant high intention to revisit the valley and therefore the possibility
that these tourists would convince their near ones to visit the valley through positive word of mouth.

Satisfaction, Revisit Intentions, Hospitality, Kashmir

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