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The Impact of an Integrated Approach to Accounting, Economics and Finance on Socio - Economic Development and Poverty Reduction in the Perspective of SAARC Nations

Prof. Dilip Kumar Sen

First Published April 20,2012

  1. Prof. Dilip Kumar Sen
  • Professor of Accounting & Finance School of Business, Independent University Bangladesh (IUB)
This paper is the product of a research study devoted to empirically examining the effect of an integrated approach to Accounting, Economics and Finance on socio-economic growth and development as well as poverty reduction in the SAARC countries. Expert opinion survey across the SAARC nations has been made to carry out research for this study. Inferential statistical tests such as Chi-square test and Z-test have been applied to examine the test results of the integrated approach to Accounting, Economics and Finance in the perspective of economic growth and development in the SAARC countries. The test results of each of the eight countries of the SAARC belt reveal that the integrated approach to the above three fields of knowledge under study have a significant effect on the promotion of socio-economic development as well as reduction of poverty.

Impact, , Integrated Approach to Accounting, , Economics and Finance, , Socio-economic Development, , Poverty reduction, and SAARC

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