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A Review on Role of Case Based Reasoning in Industrial Application Development

. Madhu Sharma, Dr. Durgesh Kumar Mishra

First Published April 18,2023

  1. . Madhu Sharma
  2. Dr. Durgesh Kumar Mishra
  • Research Scholar CMJ University Jaipur
  • Dean (R&D) Dept of Engineering, Acropolis Institute of Tech & Research Indore
The aim of this paper is to provide the outlined conceptual structure of the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) with its involvement in various industrial arenas. CBR though, being a recent automated reasoning technique, gaining popularity with its successful implementation in the real world problem solutions. This paper focuses on the basic concept of Case Based Reasoning with its general framework and a brief overview of the existing CBR based application systems is presented along with its advancements and its role in different industrial applications. The last application discussed here, describes a development methodology for implementing CBR systems in material engineering with a specific implementation in Plasma Ion Nitriding System for surface hardening of steel. The paper concludes with a research scheme for Case Based Reasoning.

Case Based Reasoning (CBR), , Knowledge-Based Reasoning, Soft Plasma Ion Nitriding (SPIN) System

  1. R. Bergmann, K. Althoff et. al (1998). “Developing Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Applications”, the INRECA Methodology, Springer, Volume II. Pg 99-104.
  2. Ian Watson & Farhi Marir (1994). Case-Based Reasoning: A Review, AI-CBR, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1994, Pg 18-23.
  3. Janet L. Kolodner (1992). “An Introduction to Case-Based Reasoning”, Artificial Intelligence Review 6, USA, (1992), Pg 3-34.
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