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Perception of Mobile Users towards Mobile Advertising: An Application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Ms. Preeti Jain, Dr. Sanjiv Kumar

First Published December 23,2013

  1. Ms. Preeti Jain
  2. Dr. Sanjiv Kumar
  • Assistant Professor Department of Commerce Hindu Girls College Sonipat (Haryana)
  • Professor Department of Commerce M.D.University Rohtak (Haryana)
Literature pertaining to perception or attitude towards mobile advertising implies numerous factors which influence the perception of mobile user’s toward mobile advertising. Among these factors informativeness, permission, disruptive nature, credibility and familiarity of advertisers were found with perceptible influence. In the present study a measurement model is developed. The present paper makes an attempt to ensure the validity concerns and fitness of measurement model of factors affecting perception of mobile user’s toward mobile advertising. All these constructs were found statistically reliable. The studied measurement model had adequate construct validity, convergent validity and discriminant validity. Hence, it may be concluded that perceived measurement model is reliable and valid.

Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Validity, , Reliability, Factors/Constructs, Mobile advertising.

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