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Impact of Workload Pressure on Job Satisfaction: (With Special Reference to Managers of SBI-Indore)

Uttam Jagtap, Mr. Pradyumna Yadav

First Published May 06,2023

  1. Uttam Jagtap
  2. Mr. Pradyumna Yadav
  • Associate Professor Shri Vaishnav College of Management Indore
  • Research Scholar School of Future Studies and Planning DAVV Indore
The term Job Satisfaction is conceptualized in many ways. This focuses on all the feelings that an individual has about his/her job and Workload Pressure is one of the determinants which may affect the Job Satisfaction of an employee. Present study analyses the factors of Workload Pressure and its effects on the Job Satisfaction of managerial employees of State Bank of India at Indore. The researchers found that the Managerial level employees are satisfied with respect to Workload Pressure but their level of satisfaction shows variation against demographical variables.

Workload Pressure, , Job Satisfaction, Managerial Employees, Banking Sector.

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