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Positive Orientation as an Effective Stress Management Tool

Ms. Neera Kundnani, Dr. Pallavi Mehta

First Published December 22,2013

  1. Ms. Neera Kundnani
  2. Dr. Pallavi Mehta
  • Research Scholar Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University Udaipur
  • Associate Professor Pacific Institute of Management Technology Udaipur
Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.Generally people use word “stress” in negative sense. In the era of workplace uncertainty and demand for continuous change stress is inevitable. Though there are many approaches which provide prevention against stress, but today is the time to shift from preventive approach towards positive approach, so individuals must try to think positively and keep positive orientation or outlook towards different domains of life to manage stress. Our research contributes in enhancing individual personality traits and inculcating positive attitude towards work and life. Using a Qualitative research methodology our objective is to examine a sample of banking professionals who face stress in their day to day work and its consequences on their life& also the measures they take to manage stress. The study focuses on their orientation towards work and life and tries to determine how positive orientation helps them to overcome stress. When it comes down to it, positive, optimistic people are happier and healthier, and enjoy more success than those who think negatively. The key difference between them is how they think about and interpret the stress in their life.The findings highlight the coping strategies to manage stress positively at individual and organizational level.

Stress, Positive Orientation, Stress Management, Coping Strategies

  1. Pandey, Satish C. (2005), “Time to Manage Stress Positively.” Indian Management, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp- 84-89.
  2. (Uma Devi.T, 2011), “A Study on Stress Management and Coping Strategies With Reference to IT Companies Journal of Information Technology and Economic Development 2(2), 30-48.”
  3. Kumari & Pandey (2011), “Studies on Stress Management: A Case Study of Avatar Steel Industries”, Chennai, India International Journal of Innovation Management and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 5.
  4. Luthans. F (2002), “Organizational Behavior” (Chapter-9, Positive Psychology Approach to OB: Optimism, Emotional Intelligence, and Self-Efficacy), McGraw-Hill Irwin, International Edition.
  5. James Campbell Quick, David Mack, Joanne H Gavin, Cary L Cooper, Jonathan D Quick (2003), “Executives: Engines for Positive Stress”, Vol. Iss: 3, pp.359 - 405.
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