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Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life in Banks

Anukool Manish Hyde, Barkha Gupta

First Published December 18,2013

  1. Anukool Manish Hyde
  2. Barkha Gupta
  • Associate Professor and HOD-HR and General Management Prestige Institute of Management and Research Indore
  • Faculty, Shri RGP Gujarati Professional Institute Indore
Quality of Work Life is the quality of relationship between employees and total working environment, concern about the impact of the work on individual as well as on organizational effectiveness and the idea of participation in organizational problem solving and decision-making. Various factors affect an employee’s Quality of Work Life. The objectives of the present study is to identify the factor affecting the Quality of Work life of the Managerial and Non Managerial Employees of the Nationalized and Private Banks. Data has been collected from 300 managerial and non-managerial employees of Nationalized and Private Banks of Indore (MP) division. Factor Analysis was used to identify the factors, which are contributing in Quality of Work Life. The study identified seven factors namely: Organizational commitment and Productivity, HRD Climate, Normative Commitment and belongingness, Sound Compensation, Redesigning of job and reward system, Equity and, Enthusiasm at work place.

Quality of work life, , Organizational commitment and Productivity, , HRD Climate, , Normative Commitment and belongingness, Sound Compensation, Redesigning of job and reward system, Equity and Enthusiasm at work place

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