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The Impact of Capital Adequacy under BASEl-II on Indian Private Sector Banks

Ms. Mamta Shah, Dr. Mahua Dutta

First Published December 18,2013

  1. Ms. Mamta Shah
  2. Dr. Mahua Dutta
  • Faculty Guru Nanak Institute of Management (GNIM), New Delhi
  • Faculty Institute of Management Studies (IMS), Noida
The Indian Banking system is witnessing a significant change over the past few decades. Several new institutions have sprung up and many of them have also failed due to global crisis or due to one or the other reason. For the efficient and smooth functioning of these institutions, proper governance norms for these institutions are urgently called for. Capital Adequacy norms given by BASEL Accord are one of the most significant developments for managing risk in banks. The present paper is an attempt to analyze the Capital adequacy norms and their implication in Indian private Banking Industry. The study is confined to ten private sector banks and their capital adequacy ratio for the last ten years for interpretation for the purpose of analysis. Regression analysis is used for the purpose of statistical calculation. The analysis of the statistical data pointed out to the conclusion that maintaining higher capital adequacy ratio by private sector banks was a not only a contributor towards achievement of higher efficiency, but was also a significant role player in risk aversion for these banks.

Capital Adequacy, Banking Industry, , BASEL-II ,, risk and Capital structure

  1. Bank for International Settlements. (1987) “Proposal for the International Convergence of Capital Measurements and Capital Standards.” December.
  2. Daesik Kim; Anthony M. Santomero, (1988) “Risk in Banking and Capital Regulation” The Journal of Finance, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 1219-1233.
  3. Keeley, Michael C. & Furlong, Frederick T., (1990). “A reexamination of mean-variance analysis of bank capital regulation,” Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 14(1).
  4. Ngo, P. (2006), “Endogenous Capital and Profitability in Banking”, available at
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