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Reflection on Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Employer Branding

Dr. Pallavi Mehta

First Published April 21,2013

  1. Dr. Pallavi Mehta
  • Assistant Professor Pacific Institute of Management & Technology Pacific University Udaipur
The employer brand is the most powerful tool for attracting the right talent fit that will help gaining competitive advantage by the organizations. In principle, brands can be seen as a set of symbols which represent a variety of ideas and attributes, the net result of which is the public image, character or personality of an organization. Employer brand is understood as a brand which differentiates it from other competitors in the employment market. The term also includes long term strategy that establishes an organization’s identity as an employer in the employment market. Employer brand is “the image of an organization as a ‘great place to work’ in the mind of current employees and key stakeholders in the external market.” Brands are among a firm’s most valuable assets and as a result brand management is a key activity in many organizations. The key to developing the employer brand strategy is to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the organizational culture, key talent drivers (engagement factors), external perceptions, leadership vision, and management practices. A descriptive research seeks insight into the occidental concept of employer branding in Management Institutes. It identifies parameters and factors in a myriad of areas related to employer branding like factors pertinent in developing the employer brand, attributes considered most important in attracting new talent to the companies, challenges in managing an employer brand, factors an employee considers important about working with the company, communication media considered important for communicating the employer brand, and finally benefits arising from implementing employer brand. Employer branding undoubtedly is a significant precept of modern management, one that offers a fine blending of the science of marketing with the art of enlightened human relations management. It is the key to one of the strongest challenge of rampant employee attrition. The paper tries to describe the branding of a management institute in Udaipur and its impact on satisfaction and retention of employees with the sample of 100 respondents.

Employer Branding , Retention, Talent

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