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Corporate Parenting (Case in context- Acquisition of Gillette by Procter & Gamble)

Dr. Rakesh Premi

First Published April 21,2013

  1. Dr. Rakesh Premi
  • Campus Director Leeds Met India Bhopal
Corporate predators are on the prowl in the prevailing global business environment. These predators spot corporations with insufficient financial & managerial resources, over employment, bureaucracies that are difficult to clear and an innovation driven company culture. All this provides an excellent parenting opportunity to grow at a faster rate by transferring competencies, resources and skills among strategic business units. The acquisition of Gillette by Procter & Gamble was such an example. This parenting opportunity created strong records of innovation and retailer partnership ensuring stronger sustainable growth in the future.

Corporate Parenting

  1. P&G (2009) Annual Report: Designed to Lead (internet), P&G Available from (Accessed 22nd July 2011)
  2. P&G(2008) Annual Report: Designed to Innovate (internet), P & G. Available from (Accessed 23rd July 2011
  3. P&G (2007) Annual Report (Internet) P&G .Available from: (Accessed 21st July 2011)
  4. P&G (2006) Annual Report (Internet) P&G . Available from:(Accessed 22nd July 2011)
  5. P&G (2005) Annual Report: Balance and Leadership (Internet) P&G. Available from: (Accessed 21st July 2011)
  6. Tasmussen College . Available from :( (Accessed 23rd July 2011)
  7. Mary DiMaggio(2009) Top 10 Best (Worst) Corporate Merger of the All Time (Internet),
  8. K. Giriprakash (2006) “Gillette drives biz growth post merger with P&G” (Internet) Business Line. Available from: (Accessed 23rd July 2011)
  9. Anon. (2009) “Proctor and Gamble case study (Internet), ivythesis”. Available from (Accessed 22nd 2011)
  10. Anon. (2011) “Corporate Parenting Fit Matrix” (Internet), Mbalectures. Available from:
  11. R. Shrinivas (2008), Strategic Management: The Indian Context. “3rd Ed.New Delhi, Practice Hall Pvt. Ltd.”
  12. JA Pearce (2008), Strategic Management: formulation, implementation & control., 10th Ed.New Delhi, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
  13. Campbell, A.; Goold, M.; Alexander, M.(1995) “Corporate Strategy: The Quest for Parenting Advantage”. Mar/April95, Vol. 73 Issue 2, pl20-132, 13p, Harvard Businesses Review.
  14. Anon.(2009), “Economies and Organisation”. Vol. 6 No.3 Serbia. Fact Universities.
  15. Anthony Henry (2008), Understanding Strategic Management, 1 Ed. United States, Oxford University Press Inc.
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