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Dr. Khushboo Sharma, Mr. Ashok Chaudhary

First Published January 21,2021

  1. Dr. Khushboo Sharma
  2. Mr. Ashok Chaudhary
  • Assistant Dean, School of Management Studies, Sangam University, Bhilwara
  • Research Scholar, Sangam University, Bhilwara
India is having largest population of children in the world. These young children are the future of the
nation and thus it is imperative that they are provided with zest of knowledge to use their potential in
productive manner. With the advent of technology and digitalisation every aspect of life emerged in a
new form and digitalisation transformed the various stages of education learning such as critical
thinking, problem solving, cooperative learning, extra connect, extension and acceleration of
activities of curriculum and enrichment, etc. technological patterns paved the path of exploring new
ideas that supports learning patterns by generalisations to visualise a techno savvy environment that
compelled the students to perform. A modernised education system enabled with technology can
help in this channelization of abilities towards result. The student teacher ratio, shortage of qualified
teachers, outdated teaching methods, inadequate teaching resources and materials can hamper the
delivery of quality education. This concern can be restructured with the help of technology and
society can mitigate.

Education, Technology, Digital India, Learning

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