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Anita Sharma, Prof. Sanket Vij

First Published December 23,2018

  1. Anita Sharma
  2. Prof. Sanket Vij
  • Assistant Professor, K. R. Managalam University, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Sonepat, Haryana
  • Dean - Faculty of Commerce & Management; Chairperson - Department of Management Studies, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana
Innovations are inevitable and have been the order of the day in today's world. The ideas brew up
from everywhere but finding a way to give wings to these ideas to help them take off the ground is
something very crucial and important. Raising funds for projects conventionally has been tough since
it required the very tough parameters to be met as set by the loan provider like Venture capitalists,
angel investors, banks and financial institutions. The ideas are always not commercial and not at that
big level to attract the venture capitalists or banks. Sometimes, the projects are just for the community
or society benefits. Such projects traditionally used to get funded either through NGOs or through
patrons. This traditional arrangement narrows the scope of the projects funding and sometimes even
the good projects slip down the due considerations from the funders. Small projects whose fund
requirement are small but have a potential to appeal a certain set of crowd gets the platform which is
now known as crowdfunding platform which acts an intermediary between the fund raiser and the
contributors/investors. The paper attempts to bring out the importance of crowdfunding as a medium
to fund the project and the crowdfunding models currently prevailing in India.

Crowdfunding,, Crowdfunding Portals, All or Nothing (AON),, Keep it All (KIA)

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